ソフトマテリアル応用部会主催 講演会

  • 日 時: 2012年12月15日(土)15:00〜16:30
  • 会 場: 産業技術総合研究所 関西センター 第9会議室(人間計測連携研究棟1002)
    (大阪府池田市緑丘1-8-31 ⇒こちらをご覧ください[PDF])
  • 参加費: 無料
  • 申込方法: E-mailにて安積 asaka-kinji@aist.go.jp まで氏名・所属を明記してお申込み下さい。
講 師
Professor Zhigang Suo (Harvard University, USA)
題 目
Artificial muscles made of dielectric elastomers
概 要
A dielectric elastomer under voltage deforms rapidly, mimicking the function of a muscle. This electromechanical coupling is being developed as transducers for diverse applications, such as soft robots, adjustable lenses, deformable touch screens, and energy-harvesting generators. This talk reviews the experiments and theory of dielectric elastomers. The theory is developed within the framework of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. The theory attempts to answer commonly asked questions. How do mechanics and electrostatics work together to generate large deformation? How efficiently can a material convert energy from one form to another? How do molecular processes affect macroscopic behavior? The theory is used to describe nonlinear and nonequilibrium behavior, such as electromechanical instability and viscoelasticity. The theoretical part of this talk draws upon a review article: Z.G. Suo, Theory of dielectric elastomers, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 23, 549-578 (2010).
Zhigang Suo先生のWebページです。